Welcome to FLB!
von Matthias Menzel
Zum zweiten Mal in Folge haben wir das große Glück, einen Fremdsprachenassistenten an der Schule zu haben.
Sean O'Driscoll kommt aus Dublin in Irland und wird unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Kolleginnen und Kollegen bis zum Mai 2017 im Englischunterricht unterstützen.
Die Fachschaft Englisch heißt Sean herzlich willkommen und auch die Schülerinnen und Schüler haben schon mit ihm gearbeitet und den folgenden Artikel über Sean verfasst:
Since Becky's stay in Germany has come to an end (unfortunately), we got a new foreign language assistant at our school. His name is Seán and he's from Ireland. Seán is twenty years old and studies Business and German. He's going to stay here until 31 May 2017 and during his time in Germany, he goes to Bielefeld University and works part-time at FLB.
In the last lesson, we asked him some questions about the world of work, to spot some differences and similarities between Ireland and Germany:
- Seán told us that in Ireland, you can start to work part-time at 16 years of age, but for most jobs, you have to be at least 18 years old.
- The minimum wage there is €9.15 and you can get unemployment benefits of €188 a month.
- He also said that most apprenticeships lasted two years, including a one-year work experience, and a working day is eight hours, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- With dresscodes, it is quite similar to Germany, it depends on the job, but students have to wear a uniform, and there is a “Casual Friday” where in many companies, employees can wear what they want for one day.
- The taxes on Ireland depend on their income. Students who work part-time have to pay around 1 per cent, good earners who work full-time have to pay about 40 per cent of their earnings as taxes.
- If you want to do an internship in Ireland, you can do it through universities or just apply with any company there.
- One of the biggest differences between studying in Ireland and in Germany is that it costs around €3,000 in Ireland but is free over here.
He does not miss his family yet because he has just arrived here but he will probably visit him in the next holiday. We're very happy to have him at FLB and really appreciate him working with us.
Beitrag: Harlem Klee, Laurin Schofeld, Alexandra Schürmann (HH1508)